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~ Forever In My Life ~ JoJo ~

Sunday, November 15, 2009

i hate ur ex-Gf!!!!

jgn sebut nama dy lg...
Bby ta suke..t Bby marah bile dgr nama dy..
enough la B!

i only have u...u too...
u only have me..
plisss forget her!!!
plisss..for me....

i juz want u...
i need u...
keep diz in ur heart...


  1. u called him, am :) i gave him that nick actually. besenya org pggey dia mimi. but i want to create a new name for him, i called him AM :)

  2. y i hate u??
    actly, tu sume sbb jeles..hahaha! tah la...only stupid gal give a reason like dat..i dunno y i hate u..mybe bcoz he love u damn much...he said he promise to u b4 dat he'll love u for his entire life..& he never forget u..he only think about u..when u call, msg or chatting with him, he'll disregard me..dat nyte on his bufday, he cried after u msg n told him dun text or call u anymore..sumtimes i feel dat i'm nothing for him...until now, when i asked him, did he love me, he'll said, 'i dun know'.. i'm stupid cz trust him easily..yup..very stupid!! i want to go away from his life..i'm nothing for him! i'm nothing!!!

  3. actly, mase mule2 knl, dy yg mention dat name..dy kate pggl je dy am... :)


meyh borak sesame meyh. :P

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