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~ Forever In My Life ~ JoJo ~

Friday, October 30, 2009

no title!

act..ak ta tau nk citer pew ari ney...
urmm..ak juz nk share kt kowg yg after ak break dgn dye, ak rase lega sgt...
ak rase bebas dari kesakitan && tekanan && kelukaan...
lega sgtsgt okey!

ak dpt jwb exam dgn tenang..
but, nantok ouhh!
not enough sleep...

ak ngaku yg ak still rindu && syg dye..
susah kot nak lupekn dye...
tpi apekn daya..ak terpaksa gak lepaskn dye...
i juz wish dat he will be happy with the gurl dat he love very much!
maybe it's not me...
btw, i'm happy with my life now...

i got a freedom!
eppy cgtcgt!

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meyh borak sesame meyh. :P

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